Forces and their effects

Exercises and problems about forces and their effects on systems: movements and deformations.

  • (#3567)   Seleccionar

    Time taken to cover a distance by car (3567)

    If the speed of a car is 75 km/h. How long does it take the car to cover a distance of 75 km?

  • (#3494)   Seleccionar

    Time it takes for blood to cover 30 cm distance (3494)

    The speed of blood flow is 30 cm/s. Considering a vein as a straight path, how many time will take blood to cover 30 cm?

  • (#3165)   Seleccionar

    Time it takes for sunlight to reach the Earth (3165)

    There are 150 000 000 km between the Sun and the Earth. If the velocity of light in vacuum is 300 000 km/s, how long light takes to reach the Earth?